Canadian CF-5A/Ds |
The F-5A and B were developed as a low-cost aircraft which could be sold to allied nations of the US that could not afford the purchase and maintenance costs of the then-prevalent Century Series fighters. The T-38 was also from this initial family. Canadair was licensed to manufacture the F-5 Freedom Fighter using the CF-5A (single seat) and CF-5D (dual seat) designations. They've been used for training and "aggressor" aircraft.
Mike Grant Decals is a small, literally home-based business. He designs and prints decals from his basement on an ALPS printer. These are typically very clean, clear decals - the only difference you'd see between these and (say) Twobobs, Aeromaster, or some of the others are that (a) they can be more prone to scratching, and (b) they come on a continuous carrier film, so you have to trim closely around each decal. They can be more sensitive to decal solvents, as well.
This sheet gives you four markings options - two CF-5A/D aircraft in a "ghost" wraparound scheme, one in a green/grey wraparound scheme, and one in aluminum and red. Note that it lists as a "CF-5A" for the single seat, and a CF-5D for the dual seat. The CF-5D is essentially an F-5B (you can tell by the general shape of the aircraft,) so the Revell-Monogram F-5D is actually incorrect to use for this kit.
The decals actually come on two sheets - two full of decals (including the "bare-metal" surround on the canadian flag for the fourth aircraft,) and one with two false canopies and numbering (and an alternate tail stripe that lets the modeller paint the light blue background if desired.) The false canopy decals that go on the bottom are well made, but if you choose to model the aircraft with the landing gear down, you'll have to either use these to create masks and paint the gear, or cut the decals to fit the gear doors.
All in all, this looks like another winner from Mike. (No, he doesn't pay me to say that... in fact, I pay him for the decals. Heck of an advertising deal for him, huh...) Now if someone would just release a nice, up to date, correct F-5A and B (and T-38) in 1/48, otherwise, use the Testors and Fujimi kits. If you're a fan of Aggressor aircraft like I am, you'll want these sheets! Reccommended.