MS-07B Gouf (High Grade) |
The MS-07B "Gouf" is a followon suit to the Zeon "Zaku" suits, which had been used since the beginning of the Mobile Suit Gundam series. It bears a family resemblance in the rounded shapes, spikes, and the like.
In the box
The kit is one of the "High Grade" series of Gundam kits. These have more parts and typically more articulation than the basic Gundam series of kits (which usually sell for around $5 less, but are the same scale, 1/144.) The same basic assembly style translates between the two sets, with snap-together plastic parts and poly caps in the areas that provide movement.
The Gouf comes molded in two shades of blue, as well as black and grey detail parts. A small decal sheet comes with it, with the typical Bandai stickers instead of water-slide decals. This lessens the need for painting - though if you want to treat it more like a model instead of a "much assembly required" toy, you can paint and weather it (something I keep planning on doing with one of these!)
Assembly was very - well, unremarkable. The fit of the parts are very good, and with care taken when removing them from the parts trees, you shouldn't have any gaps. You might want to use glue on one or two areas - the lower arms, and the arm "spikes" come to mind - but it's not really neccessary.
Just be aware of what you're doing during assembly, and take it slowly and step-by-step. You assemble one leg in the first few steps, then the other, then the arms... put everything aside as you finish it. If you decide to paint it, you can paint each assembly as it finishes (watching, of course, items that should be a different color and modifying your assembly as you come to them - for example, the bottoms of the feet, and the "kneecap" armor on the legs.)
I've gotten into the habit with these of using my hobby knife to 'shave' the ends of the poly pieces. It gets the very ends of the pivots just a hair smaller, and seems to help the fit tremendously.
One thing you may want to do, whether you paint and weather the model or not, is highlight the panel lines. It is easy to do, and does enhance the look of the model. The panel lines themselves are rather heavy on this model, and makes a basic (though sloppy) technique very easy. Working quickly, you paint black into the panel lines, then wipe it off immediately. The surrounding plastic will remain blue, while the black stays in and shows the lines and vents. Alternately, get a black technical pen with a very fine tip, and just "draw" the lines in.
Having said all that, the weak point in this kit (to me) is the right hand, which is where the weapons are. (Admittedly there are cannons built into the fingers of the left hand, but you can't switch those out.) Contrasting it to its predecessor, the Zaku II, you only get two hands, but